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State Road 3 Small Structure Project

DES NO. 2002272



The project is located on State Road (SR) 3 approximately 0.81 mile south of SR 244 near Milroy, Indiana. The project will replace the existing box culvert, CV 003-070-081.61, with an eight-foot by six-foot three-sided reinforced concrete box culvert. The new culvert will be 96 feet long and skewed 42 degrees. Unnamed tributary (UNT) 1 to Little Flatrock River will be realigned on the east side of the culvert approximately 30 feet to the northeast to address the current erosion. Riprap will be added to both ends of the structure. The pavement on SR 3 will be replaced with a Hot Mix Asphalt (HMA) overlay and all pavement markings will be replaced in-kind. Additionally, the guardrails along both sides of SR 3 in the project area will be removed and replaced in-kind.


A Notice of Planned Improvement was published in the Goshen Daily News newspaper on August 8, 2024 and August 15, 2024. The Federal Highway Administration (FHWA) and INDOT have agreed this project falls within the guidelines of a Categorical Exclusion (CE) Level 2 environmental document. Preliminary design plans along with the CE document and other project documents are available for review at the links below or at the following in-person locations:

Rushville Public Library, 130 W 3rd Street, Rushville, IN 46173
INDOT Greenfield District Office, 32 South Broadway, Greenfield, IN 46140

All interested persons may request a public hearing be held and/or submit comments below or to the attention of Meghan Hinkle, of American Structurepoint, Inc, 9025 River Road, Suite 200, Indianapolis, Indiana 46240, (317) 547-5580, or on or before August 23, 2024.

Submit all comments by Aug. 24, 2024.

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Meghan Hinkle

American Structurepoint


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Copyright 2024 American Structurepoint, Inc.

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