Oak Hill Road
Improvement Project
DES NO. 2002538
Vanderburgh County, with funding from the Federal Highway Administration (FHWA) and administrative oversight from the Indiana Department of Transportation (INDOT), is developing plans for the proposed Oak Hill Road Improvement project (Des. No. 2002538) located on Oak Hill Road beginning at Lynch Road and extending 1.012 mile north to St. George Road in Evansville, Vanderburgh County, Indiana.
The proposed project aims to improve left-turn mobility for vehicles, reduce the number of opportunities for rear-end vehicle conflicts, and improve access to existing pedestrian facilities along Oak Hill Road. The need for this project is evidenced by a lack of pedestrian facilities and the number of rear-end crashes along the project area due to vehicles stopping while attempting to turn left across the roadway. Of the ten intersecting roadways on this corridor, only three (Mariner Drive, Bergdolt Road, and St. George Road) have dedicated left turn lanes. Additionally, there are approximately 62 access points along this section of Oak Hill Road at intersection roadways, businesses, and residences which provide the sole access point for approximately 212 residential units and four businesses. This results in traffic queue as vehicles must block the travel lane and wait for a gap in opposing traffic, which is free flowing, before they attempt left turn movements from the northbound and southbound travel lanes to adjacent roadways, businesses, and residences. The vehicles attempting left turns and the subsequent backup of vehicles along Oak Hill Road results in increased risk of rear-end accidents. Based on 2016 to 2020 crash data for the project area, a total of 79 crashes have occurred, including 3 incapacitating crashes, 17 crashes with injuries, and 1 crash involving pedestrians. In addition, the existing sidewalks within the project area lack connectivity, which results in pedestrians utilizing the roadway or an area immediately adjacent to the roadway. Because of this, there is an increased potential for vehicle and pedestrian conflict.
The proposed project will widen Oak Hill Road to include two 11-foot wide travel lanes (one northbound and one southbound), a 12-foot wide two-way left turn lane, two 5-foot wide on-street bike lanes (one northbound and one southbound), as well as curb and gutter throughout the project area. A six-foot wide sidewalk will be installed along the east side of Oak Hill Road. Storm sewer will be constructed along Oak Hill Road throughout the project area to collect runoff from the new curb and gutter. Three existing unnumbered culverts, which convey unnamed tributaries (UNTs) 1, 2, and 3 to Pigeon Creek beneath Oak Hill Road, will be replaced and realigned to provide connectivity to the new storm sewers.
The proposed construction of this project will require approximately 4.77 acres of new permanent right-of-way and 0.33 acre of temporary right-of-way. No relocations of businesses, residences, or farms are anticipated as a result of the proposed project.
The maintenance of traffic (MOT) plan will include the the full closure of Oak Hill Road, from Lynch Road to St. George Road. During the closure of this segment of Oak Hill Road, northbound traffic will be detoured from the intersection of Lynch Road and Oak Hill Road east to North Green River Road, north along North Green River Road to Heckel Road, then west along Heckel Road to Oak Hill Road. Southbound traffic will be detoured along the same route, beginning at the intersection of Heckel Road and Oak Hill Road. This detour has a total length of approximately 3.53 miles. Access to all properties will be maintained throughout construction. School corporations and emergency services will be notified of closures prior to construction. The proposed start of construction is Summer 2025 and will continue through Summer 2027.
The cost associated with this project is approximately $9,985,955, which includes design, right-of-way, and construction costs. Both federal and local funding will be used.
Notice of Project Advancement:
Vanderburgh County offered the public an opportunity to submit comments and/or request a public hearing on March 11, 2024 for the Oak Hill Road Improvement project (Des. No. 2002538) located in Evansville, Vanderburgh County, Indiana. The opportunity to request a public hearing was offered as part of the environmental analysis phase and per federal requirements outlined by the National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA). The Oak Hill Road Improvement project is formally announcing the conclusion of the environmental analysis phase. Subsequent to reviewing and considering all comments and materials received, Vanderburgh County will advance this project to the next phase of development with construction anticipated to take place in Summer 2025 and will continue through Summer 2027. Environmental documentation, including written responses to public comments submitted as part of the public involvement process, are available for review in the links below.
Notice of Planned Improvement:
The Federal Highway Administration (FHWA) and INDOT have agreed this project falls within the guidelines of a Categorical Exclusion (CE) Level 2 environmental document. Preliminary design plans along with the CE document and other project documents are available for review at the links below or at the following in-person locations:
a. Evansville Vanderburgh Public Library, 200 SE Martin Luther King Jr. Blvd, Evansville, IN 47713
All interested persons may request a public hearing be held and/or express their concerns by submitting comments to the attention of Preeti Samra, American Structurepoint Inc., 9025 River Road, Suite 200, Indianapolis, IN 46240 or psamra@structurepoint.com on or before March 25, 2024.
MARCH 11, 2024
Comment Period Closed March 25, 2024
Preeti Samra
Senior Environmental Specialist
American Structurepoint